Arrietty Blu-Ray: No UK Dub on GKIDS Reissue

Studio Ghibli: The Secret World of Arrietty on Blu-Ray

Sad news for American Ghibli Freaks: film distributor GKIDS today announced that their upcoming Blu-Ray release of The Secret World of Arrietty will not include the beloved UK dub as previously hoped. It will only include the Japanese and American (Disney) soundtracks.

The news was reported in an October 1 post on GKIDS Twitter: "Looked like UK had a glimmer of hope but it unfortunately is more thorny than we thought." This presumably refers to the complicated legal rights issues between Japan, US and UK releases of Arrietty. No further details have been given at this time.

It's very unfortunate that North American fans will miss out on the excellent UK soundtrack, which fits the source material perfectly and is superior to the Disney dub (which is very fine in its own regard). Your best option remains to import the UK Blu-Ray, provided you have a way to override your player's region code.

The Secret World of Arrietty will be released on Blu-Ray/DVD on November 21, as part of the GKIDS reissue campaign for the Studio Ghibli film catalog.

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